Computer Programm wurde in Var`aq, der klingonischen Programmiersprache
Bottles of Beer, 99 Flaschen Bier.
(* 99 Bottles of Beer in var'aq *)
(* by Rune Berge *)
~ bottles {
latlh 1 rap'a' "" tam
{ woD "s" } ghobe'chugh
" bottle" tam tlheghrar tam woD
" of beer" tlheghrar
} pong
~ print-verse {
latlh latlh bottles tlheghrar " on the
wall" tlheghrar cha'
latlh latlh bottles tlheghrar cha'
"Take one down and pass it around"
wa'boqHa' latlh latlh { "No" } ghobe'chugh latlh bottles
tlheghrar " on the wall" tlheghrar cha'
"" cha'
latlh { print-verse } HIja'chugh
} pong
99 print-verse
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