Coversong Roads

domenica, giugno 17, 2007

Vorbereitung auf einen SL Poetry Slam

Ich hatte die Idee, in Second Life in der Oasis einen Poetry Slam zu veranstalten. Mit anderen Worten, Gedichte auf der Tanzfläche einem Publikum vorzutragen. Nova, die Clubchefin wird versuchen Poeten anzuschreiben und für dieses Event zu gewinnen.

Als Dilettant werde ich mich auch daran beteiligen. Drei Gedichte habe ich bereits verzapft. Sie sind auf Englisch, ein Handicap. Nur was solls, dabei sein ist alles.

Me and you

My heart so large
encompasses all those nations
listens to reggae, whose vibrations
let it feel to be in charge

I command MY second life
and that’s enough
truthfulness, no bluff
harmony, no strife

let me let you go with the flow
let me, let me feel you well
and even when first life is hell
here you got a life to grow

my heart yes yearns to be your guide
In this confusion find your way
holding your first live at bay
I am the angel at your side.

In the morning

the morning sun that winks at me
and I think ‘shit what was her name’
and then ‘this is a game’
feel like a drunken bumblebee

Slowly starts the life again
the sub she gets her handcuffs on
I go to smoke the second bong
waitin for the first rain in vain

When I get up you go to bed
Wonder Woman is that you?
the only love that could be true
I never see you though, how sad

I smoke a joint and feel at ease
I chill and see the morning sun
a griefer comes and draws his gun
like shoot me into orbit please

Then love hits I am thunderstruck
breakfast is ready shouts my wife
I got a call from real life
bad morning this I’m out of luck.


My avatar is on vacation
can’t teleport, cant change the light.
That is so wrong, that is not right,
I go to the United Nations.

You have been here and now are gone,
off the screen which now is grey
I love you girls, what can I say
six hours off, that is too long.

Forever it’s in Real Life
downtime to eternity
in Second Life its not to be
down time is from one to five.

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