Coversong Roads

lunedì, settembre 05, 2005

SF-WorldCon Hugos

Der WorldCon in Glasgow hatte um die 4200 Teilnehmer, welche die ansässige Brauerei leer gesoffen haben. Wer gewann den Hugo?
Novel: Susanna Clarke ‘Jonathan Strange & Mr. Norrell’
Novella: Charles Stross ‘The Concrete Jungle’
Novelette: Kelly Link ‘The Faery Handbag’
Short Story: Mike Resnik ‘Travels with my Cats’
Related Book: ‘The Cambridge Companion to Science Fiction’
Dramatic Long: ‘The Incredibles’
Dramatic Short: ‘33’ (Battlestar Galactica) Pro Editor: Ellen Datlow
Pro Artist: Jim Burns Semiprozine: Ansible Fanzine: Plokta
Fan Writer: David Langford Fan Artist: Sue Mason WebSite: SciFiction


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